Genetableringen af dansk sociologisk forskning – en skitse af strukturer og genese af dansk sociologisk forskning efter 1990


  • Kristoffer Kropp



dansk sociologi, multipel korrespondanceanalyse, Bourdieu, feltanalyse, sociologiens historie


Dansk sociologisk forskning har en bemærkelsesværdig historie. I denne artikel undersøger jeg i et feltanalytisk perspektiv sammenhængen mellem feltet for dansk sociologisk forsknings nuværende struktur og dets historie. Artiklen har to empiriske dele. I første del viser jeg via multipel korrespondanceanalyse tre væsentlige differentieringsprincipper i nutidig dansk sociologisk forskning. For det første mængden af akademisk kapital, for det andet orienteringen af forskning henholdsvis orienteret mod et akademisk publikum over for en orientering mod et ikke-akademisk publikum. Endelig differentieres feltet i en forskel mellem sociologiske insidere over for sociologiske nytilkomne. Endvidere viser jeg, hvordan denne tredelte struktur er homologt struktureret i forhold til stillingtagen angående mål og formål med sociologien, brugen af empiriske materialer og valg af studieobjekt. I artiklens anden del forbinder jeg feltets nuværende strukturering med dansk sociologisk forsknings nyere historie. Igennem en strukturel historie af fire væsentlige danske sociologiske institutioner, viser jeg, hvordan sociologiske forskere overordnet set har fulgt to strategier for etableringen af sociologisk forskning i løbet af 1990erne og 2000erne. De to strategier har bestået i en orientering af sociologisk forskning mod ikke-akademiske interesser og institutioner og forsøg på reetableringen af sociologiens position i det akademiske felt. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Kristoffer Kropp: Re-Establishment of Danish Sociological Research – A Sketch of Structures and Genesis of Danish Sociological Research after 1990 Sociology in Denmark has a peculiar history. In this article I investigate the relationships between the fields of Danish sociological research’s contemporary structures and it genesis by employing a field analytical perspective. The article has two empirical parts. In the first part I present three important principles of differentiation in contemporary Danish sociology by employing ”multiple correspondence analyses”. The first principle is the amount of academic capital and the second is orientation of research towards either an academic audience or towards non-academic audiences. The third principle concerns the difference between sociological insiders and sociological newcomers. Then I show how those in this three folded structure are homologues, structured in accordance with position-taking towards means and ends for sociological research, use of empirical materials and choice of subjects. In the second part of the article I connect the contemporary structure of the field with the recent history of Danish sociologies. I show how sociological research followed two strategies in establishing sociological research during the 1990s and the 2000s by analysing the structural history of four important sociological institutions. The two strategies were an orientation towards non-academic interest and institutions and attempts to re-establish sociology’s position as an academic field. Key words: Danish sociology, multiple correspondence analysis, Bourdieu, field analysis, history of sociology.





