Gæsteredaktørernes forord


  • Mia Arp Fallov
  • Jens Kaae Fisker
  • Pia Heike Johansen
  • Anders Blok




Fallov, Mia Arp 2015: »Steder og affektive rum i lokalsamfundsarbejdet« in Socialt arbejde i en foranderlig verden. i M.A. Nissen & M. Harder (red). København: Akademisk Forlag.

Fallov, Mia Arp & Nissen, Maria Appel 2018: »Social Work in and around the Home: Using Home as a Site to Promote Inclusion« in M.A. Fallov & C. Blad (Eds.). Social Welfare Responses in a Neoliberal Era. Policies, practices and social problems.Leiden: Brill, pp. 160-181.

Johansen, Pia Heike 2013: Contemporary rural imitation: A Tardean analysis of five Danish rural parishes. Social & Cultural Geography. 14(1). 80-102.

Johansen, Pia Heike 2019: Listening to silence: Bringing forward the background noise of being. Theory, Culture & Society. DOI: 10.1177/0263276419871654

Lefebvre, Henri 1996: Writings on cities. Oxford: Blackwell.

Soja, Edward 1996: Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places. Oxford: Blackwell.


