Didáctica de la traducción inversa especializada. Propuesta de actividades en el ámbito de la economía y los negocios


  • Daniel Gallego-Hernández University of Alicante


As business translator trainers we have to encourage our students to practice translation into their mother tongue and into the foreign language. The aim of this paper is to present various types of exercises that we use in our classes in order to develop strategies in the practice of translation into the foreign language. These kinds of tasks are based on work previously carried out by translator trainers and researchers. First, references on teaching translation into the foreign language) will be reviewed. Then we show the kind of tasks focusing on mother tongue proficiency and translation technologies. Our experience tells us that our students seem to feel comfortable with the exercises and find them useful to face the practice of translation into non-mother tongue.

Author Biography

Daniel Gallego-Hernández, University of Alicante

Daniel Gallego-Hernández is a lecturer in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Alicante in Spain. His research interests include corpus linguistics applied to translation, business translation and translation teaching. His PhD was entitled "Business translation and parallel texts on the internet". He teaches business translation between French and Spanish as well as terminology at his faculty. His publications as an individual include various papers and a book entitled "Business translation and corpora".





