How Firms Fail at D&I

Inclusion, Hegemony, and Modest Fashion


  • Alice Leri



This paper analyzes the impact that inclusive marketing practices might have on society using modest fashion as a case study. The study employs an ethnographic approach to discourse analysis and explores the impact of modest fashion in reshaping the boundaries of exclusion and belonging in the United States. Throughout the paper the author argues that as firms try to become more inclusive in the marketplace, they inadvertently perpetuated hegemonic and micro-hegemonic systems of belonging wherein non-threatening forms of otherness are assimilated into a safe "new normal" and liminal identities are further marginalized.

Author Biography

Alice Leri

Alice Leri works in Corporate Development as Diversity and Inclusion manager at Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany). From 2014 to 2019, she was a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Sonoco International Business Department at the Moore School (University of South Carolina), where she still teaches Diversity and Inclusion management as Adjunct Faculty. At the same institution, she served as inaugural Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion from 2016 to 2019. Alice holds a doctoral degree in Cultural Studies from Tilburg University (The Netherlands) and a Master’s Degree in Islamic Studies from “L’Orientale” University in Naples (Italy).



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