Metamorphosis of Biopolitics. A Foucauldian Ecological Perspective and the Challenge of the Pandemic
A Review Essay of Ottavio Marzocca, Biopolitics for Beginners. Knowledge of Life and Government of People
Biopolitics, Health crisis, Ecological perspective, Environmental changes, COVID-19, Capitalism, Neoliberal governmentalityResumé
This paper is a review essay of Ottavio Marzocca, Biopolitics for Beginners. Knowledge of Life and Government of People, Milan/Udine: Mimesis International, 2020. Pp. 457. ISBN: 9788869771781 (paperback). It focuses on Marzocca's investigations into biopolitics, a topic of which the author offers an original ecological reconfiguration. The proposed reflections, which address the recent pandemic crisis of COVID-19, are developed from the work of Foucault but are not limited to this thinker. In fact, they offer an articulate examination of the issue by also taking into broad consideration the thought of authors such as Giorgio Agamben, Antonio Negri, Roberto Esposito, Jacques Donzelot, Robert Castel, Pierre Rosanvallon, Nikolas Rose, Melinda Cooper and Gregory Bateson.
Agamben, Giorgio, Where Are We Now: The Epidemic as Politics. London: Eris, 2021.
Lorenzini, Daniele, “Biopolitics in the Time of Coronavirus,” Critical Inquiry 47:2 (2021), 40-45.
Malm, Andreas, Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First
Century. London: Verso Books, 2020.
Marzocca, Ottavio, “Sorveglianza globale e metropoli pandemica. Attualità e genealogia di un disastro,” Scienze del Territrorio, special issue (2020), 18-28.
Marzocca, Ottavio, “Pandemia, protezione della vita, ecologia: Smarrimenti del
biopotere,” Politics. Rivista di Studi Politici 15:1 (2021), 183-197.
Vatter, Miguel, “One health and one home: On the biopolitics of Covid-19,” in Coronavirus, Psychoanalysis, and Philosophy, ed. Fernando Castrillon and Thomas Marchevsky, 79-82.
Abingdon: Routledge, 2021.
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