On Foucault’s Legacy: Governmentality, Critique and Subjectivation as Conceptual Tools for Understanding Neoliberalism


  • André Duarte Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Maria Rita de Assis César Universidade Federal do Paraná




Foucault, neoliberalism, governmentality, critique, subjectivation


The text addresses Foucault’s critical understanding of neoliberalism as a new contemporary governmentality strategy for the conduction of people’s lives. A major aspect of Foucault’s analysis of neoliberalism relies on his understanding of the neoliberal homo oeconomicus as dependent on subjectivation processes related to self-assumed values and standards oriented by the competitive economic market. Our hypothesis is that governmentality, critique and subjectivation are the core notions that shaped Foucault’s understanding of neoliberalism and form the legacy of his seminal analysis. Contrary to critics who affirm that Foucault flirted or even became fascinated with neoliberalism, we argue that he offered critical tools for its understanding in a critique that is not to be confused with denunciation, however. Accordingly, we discuss Foucault’s conception of critique and relate his analysis of neoliberalism to his notions of governmentality and subjectivation. Finally, we briefly point out how some contemporary critics of the neoliberal order have appropriated and developed Foucault’s conceptual tools in their own understanding of it. We conclude that although Foucault did not propose a comprehensive theory of neoliberalism, he offered important critical insights for the understanding of it in our times.


André Duarte, Universidade Federal do Paraná

André Duarte received his PhD from Universidade de São Paulo (USP, 1997), Brazil. He has been granted scholarships to develop research at the New School for Social Research (1995-1997), University of Barcelona (2002-2003) and Université de Paris VII (2011-2012). He has also been an invited professor at Université de Lille (2017). Currently, he is Dean for Internationalization Affairs at Universidade Federal do Paraná (2017-2024). He has authored many books and book chapters in Brazil and abroad dealing with political philosophy and specializing in the works of Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler and Martin Heidegger. His last published book is Pandemic and Crisis of Democracy: Biopolitics, Neoliberalism, and Necropolitics in Bolsonaro’s Brazil. New York and London, Routledge, 2023.

Maria Rita de Assis César , Universidade Federal do Paraná

Maria Rita de Assis César received her PhD from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP, 2004), Brazil. She has been granted scholarships to develop research at University of Barcelona (2002-2003) and Université de Paris XII (2011-2012). She is currently Dean for Student’s Affairs at Universidade Federal do Paraná (2017-2024) and leader of LABIN (Laboratory for the Study of Genre, Bodies and Sexualities) at Universidade Federal do Paraná. She has published many book chapters dealing with gender and sexuality issues in Brazil and abroad, specializing in the works of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler, among others.


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Duarte, A., & César , M. R. de A. (2024). On Foucault’s Legacy: Governmentality, Critique and Subjectivation as Conceptual Tools for Understanding Neoliberalism. Foucault Studies, (36), 6–30. https://doi.org/10.22439/fs.i36.7229



Special Issue: Foucault’s Legacy in Contemporary Thinking