Foucault and Pragmatism: Introductory Notes on Metaphilosophical Methodology


  • Colin Koopman University of Oregon



Being an introduction to a special issue on the theme of “Foucault and Pragmatism” this article offers a brief set of metaphilosophical comments on the project of building bridges across familiar philosophical divides. The paper addresses questions in metaphilosophical methodology raised by the pairing in the issue title: What is at stake in the comparison of philosophical figures like Michel Foucault and John Dewey? What is at stake in the comparison of philosophical traditions such as Genealogy and Pragmatism? How can we most effectively develop comparative work across the entrenched divides, which such comparative work often labors to overcome?


Colin Koopman, University of Oregon

Colin Koopman is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and 2011-12 Wulf Professor in the Humanities at the University of Oregon, and previously a Postdoctoral Humanities Research Fellow at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He has published articles on Foucault in Philosophy & Social Criticism, Journal of the Philosophy of History, Foucault Studies, and elsewhere. He has published articles on philosophical pragmatism in such venues as Metaphilosophy, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Contemporary Pragmatism, The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, and elsewhere. His first book, Pragmatism as Transition, was published by Columbia University Press in 2009. His second book, Genealogy as Critique, is focused centrally on Foucault and is scheduled to be out with Indiana University Press in 2012. His next project involves putting pragmatism and genealogy to work for the purposes of inquiring into the formation, deformation, and reformation of our liberal conceptions of the public and the private.





Koopman, C. (2011). Foucault and Pragmatism: Introductory Notes on Metaphilosophical Methodology. Foucault Studies, (11), 3–10.



Special Issue on Foucault and Pragmatism