

  • Nicolae Morar Penn State University
  • Thomas Nail University of Denver
  • Daniel W. Smith Purdue University



Nicolae Morar, Penn State University

Dr Morar is an applied ethicist whose research interests are at the intersection of biology, ecology, ethics, and biopolitics. He received his B.A. and M.A. in philosophy from Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 in France and has recently earn his PhD in philosophy from Purdue University. His dissertation analyzes the ways in which current biotechnologies alter traditional conceptions of human nature. He is a Co-PI on the grant Between Deleuze and Foucault, which will make available a first complete transcription and translation of Deleuze’s 1985-1986 seminar on Foucault, as well as an edited collection as a critical apparatus. He is also a Co-PI on the grant Biodiversity at Twenty-Five: The Problem of Ecological Proxy Values, which will provide a critical assessment of the normative role of biodiversity. Dr. Morar has a forthcoming co-edited collection with University of Chicago Press called: Biopower: Foucault and Beyond.

Thomas Nail, University of Denver

Thomas Nail is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Denver. He is the author of Returning to Revolution: Deleuze, Guattari and Zapatismo (Edinburgh University Press, 2012) and is currently finishing a monograph on the political philosophy of migration entitled, The Figure of the Migrant (under contract with Stanford University Press). His work has appeared in Theory & Event, Philosophy Today, Parrhesia, Deleuze Studies, Foucault Studies, and elsewhere. His publications can be downloaded at

Daniel W. Smith, Purdue University

Daniel W. Smith is Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University. He is the translator of Gilles Deleuze’s Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation and Essays Critical and Clinical (with Michael A. Greco), as well as Pierre Klossowski’s Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle and Isabelle Stenger’s The Invention of Modern Science. He has published widely on topics in contemporary philosophy, and is the editor, with Henry Somers-Hall, of The Cambridge Companion to Deleuze. His book Essays on Deleuze was published by Edinburgh University Press in 2012.





Morar, N., Nail, T., & Smith, D. W. (2014). Introduction. Foucault Studies, (17), 4–10.



Special Issue on Foucault and Deleuze