Philosophical Practice Following Foucault


  • Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson



Contextualism, Appropriationism, Methodologism, queer theory, feminist philosophy


This paper develops a heuristic of different modes of philosophical engagement with Michel Foucault’s work with the aim to aid self-reflection about contemporary uses of Foucault. Drawing on debates in the history of philosophy, I describe contextualism, appropriationism, and methodologism as three strands of Foucault scholarship. I then examine queer and feminist philosophical engagements with Foucault to explicate and illustrate the aims and strengths of each strand. I conclude by spelling out the larger implications for different uses of Foucault for philosophical practice and make the case for a methodological pluralism that draws on all available modes of inquiry.


Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson

Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson, DPhil

Assistant Professor

Department of Philosophy

University of Memphis

Tennessee, USA



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Erlenbusch-Anderson, V. (2018). Philosophical Practice Following Foucault. Foucault Studies, (25), 55–83.



Special Issue on Foucault and Philosophical Practice