Foucault on Drugs: The Personal, the Ethical and the Political in Foucault in California


  • Kurt Borg



Review Essay on: Simeon Wade, Foucault in California [A True Story – Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death], foreword by Heather Dundas. (Berkeley, California: Heyday, 2019). 144 pp, ISBN 9781597144636 (hardback).


Kurt Borg

Kurt Borg completed a PhD in Philosophy at Staffordshire University, with a thesis on the ethics and politics of narrating trauma in institutional contexts, drawing particularly on the work of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler. He obtained a BA and MA in Philosophy from the University of Malta, the latter with a dissertation on the relation between Foucault’s work on power and ethics. He lectures at the University of Malta on Foucault, ethics, medical sociology and philosophy of disability. He published articles and book chapters on Foucault, Butler, trauma theory, and disability studies. An interview he co-conducted with Judith Butler was published in CounterText (2017).


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Borg, K. (2020). Foucault on Drugs: The Personal, the Ethical and the Political in Foucault in California. Foucault Studies, (28), 142–164.



Review Essay