Foucault’s Concept of Confession


  • Philippe Büttgen Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne



Foucault, Ideology


Setting out from the difficulty of translating the Foucauldian notion of aveu, this paper proposes an account of Foucault’s concept of confession in the years 1979-1983 surrounding the writing of Confessions of the Flesh. I focus on Foucault’s relative failure to bring together the complementary dimensions of confession as confession of sins and confession of faith in early Christianity. Foucault’s attempts to tackle this challenge nonetheless reveal a number of crucial aspects of his thought throughout the 1970s, e.g., the critique of the notion of ideology and the role that critique played in the setting of Foucault’s “critical philosophy of veridictions”. A comparison with the lectures given at Louvain and the Collège de France suggests that Foucault took an original and rather solitary path in Confessions of the Flesh, which may explain the surprises awaiting the reader. Finally, I propose an explanation of Foucault’s final shift away from Christian confession towards Greek parrhesia, pointing to the key role of the idea of a “duty of truth”. This idea led Foucault to an original approach to confession and the illocutionary force of statements.


Philippe Büttgen, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Philippe Büttgen

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Institut des sciences juridiques et philosophiques de la Sorbonne



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Büttgen, P. (2021). Foucault’s Concept of Confession. Foucault Studies, (29), 6–21.



Special Issue: Foucault’s History of Sexuality Vol. 4, Confessions of the Flesh