The Forgotten Spanish Charity: Love, Government, and The Poor


  • Martin Bernales-Odino University Alberto Hurtado



Martin Bernales-Odino, University Alberto Hurtado

Martín Bernales-Odino is associate professor at the Instituto de Teología y Estudios Religiosos of the University Alberto Hurtado (Chile). He studies Christian concepts, governmental rationalities and forms of resistances from an archeological and genealogical approach to analyze their connections with our current theoretical disciplines and political rationality. In addition to his works on poverty, he currently coedits a series of books that recuperate and analyze a Christian clandestine journal published throughout Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. The first volume of this series is No Podemos Callar. Catolicismo, espacio público y oposición política. Chile, 1975-1981 (Alberto Hurtado UP, 2020).


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Bernales-Odino, M. (2021). The Forgotten Spanish Charity: Love, Government, and The Poor. Foucault Studies, (31), 120–141.



Section in collaboration with Foucault Circle