Introduction: Foucault and Philosophical Practice
DOI :ésumé
Allen, Barry, “Foucault’s Nominalism,” in Foucault and the Government of Disability, ed. Shelley Tremain, 93-107. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2005.
Deleuze, Gilles, Nietzsche et la philosophie. Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1962.
Deleuze, Gilles, Négotiations, transl. Martin Joughin. New York : Columbia University Pres, 1995.
Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari, What is Philosophy?, transl. Hugh Tomlinson and Graham Burchell. New York : Columbia University Press, 1994.
Derrida, Jacques, L’Écriture et la différence. Paris : Seuil, 1967.
Eribon, Didier, Michel Foucault [1989], Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1991.
Foucault, Michel, “Dire et voir chez Raymond Roussel” [1962], in Dits et Écrits, Vol. I, ed. Daniel Defert, François Ewald and Jacques Lagrange, 205-215, Paris : Gallimard, 1994.
Foucault, Michel, Raymond Roussel, Paris : Gallimard, 1963.
Foucault, Michel, The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1 [1976], transl. Robert Hurley. New York : Vintage Books, 1978.
Foucault, Michel, “Preface to The History of Sexuality Volume II” [1976], in The Foucault Reader, ed. Paul Rabinow, 333-339. New York : Pantheon Books, 1984.
Foucault, Michel, “Questions of Method” [1980], in The Foucault Effect, ed. Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon and Peter Miller, 73-86. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1991.
Foucault, Michel, “Prisons et asiles dans le mécanisme du pouvoir” [1974], in Dits et Écrits, Vol. II, ed. Daniel Defert, François Ewald and Jacques Lagrange, 521-525. Paris : Gallimard, 1994.
Foucault, Michel, and Gilles Deleuze, “Intellectuals and Power” [1972], in Foucault Live. Collected Interviews, 1961-1984, ed. Sylvère Lotringer, 74-82. New York : Semiotext(e), 1996.
Foucault, Michel, “Interview with Michel Foucault” [1978], in Power, ed. James Faubion, 239-297. New York : New Press, 2000.
Foucault, Michel, “Truth and Juridical Forms” [1973], in Power, ed. James Faubion, 1-89. New York : New Press, 2000.
Flynn, Thomas R., “Foucault and Historical Nominalism,” in Thomas R. Flynn, Sartre, Foucault and Historical Reason, Vol. II, 31-47. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2005.
Klossowski, Pierre, Un si funeste désir. Paris : Gallimard, 1963.
Klossowski, Pierre, Nietzsche et le cercle vicieux. Paris : Mercure de France, 1969.
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