Foucault, the Iranian Uprising and the Constitution of a Collective Subjectivity


  • Laura Cremonesi
  • Orazio Irrera
  • Daniele Lorenzini
  • Martina Tazzioli


Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Laura Cremonesi

LAURA CREMONESI, Università di Pisa, Italy

Orazio Irrera

ORAZIO IRRERA, Université Paris 8, France

Daniele Lorenzini

DANIELE LORENZINI, University of Saint-Louis, Belgium 

Martina Tazzioli

MARTINA TAZZIOLI, Swansea University, Wales


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Comment citer

Cremonesi, L., Irrera, O., Lorenzini, D., & Tazzioli, M. (2018). Foucault, the Iranian Uprising and the Constitution of a Collective Subjectivity. Foucault Studies, (25), 299–311.