Governing Goods, Bodies and Minds: The Biopolitics of Spain during the Francoism (1939-1959)
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Biopolitics, Governmentality, Francoism, Fascism, Homo Patiens.Résumé
In this article I am going to analyse the creation of a series of disciplinary and regulatory mechanisms aimed at increasing the State’s forces and decreasing the individual’s capacity to protest during the initial years of Franco’s regime. In order to do this, after an introductory section that presents certain concepts and methodologies, I am going to describe three areas of analysis in which the biopolitical mechanisms belonging to the Franco regime emerged: the economic sphere, the medical-social sphere and the ideological-educational sphere. I will use the analysis of these mechanisms to present the training and functioning of the totalitarian governmentality during the first years of the Franco regime, and the creation of a subjectivity, which was considered to be the cornerstone on which the regime was supported for almost forty years.Finally, I will conclude with some considerations about the biopolitical interpretation of fascism and Francoism.Références
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