HR i det 21. århundrede: Udviklingstrends og nye roller
Strategisk HR, Best fit, Digitalisering, Teknologisk udvikling, HR-trends, Talent management, Work-life balance, Internationalisering, Vidensøkonomi, Organisatorisk udviklingResumé
Flere HR-afdelinger er i en transformationsproces for at gøre den værdi, de medvirker til at skabe i organisationen mere eksplicit. Samtidig har den teknologiske udvikling medvirket til en omfattende automatisering af de klassiske HR-opgaver, som skaber nye præmisser for, hvordan HR-afdelinger kan medvirke til at skabe vækst og organisatorisk succes.
I indeværende artikel præsenteres de udfordringer, som HR-afdelinger står over i det 21. århundrede gennem et litteraturreview af den seneste forskning inden for HR-feltet. Gennem interviews med HR-ansvarlige i tre større danske organisationer diskuteres de fremtidige udfordringer i en dansk kontekst. Derved sættes fokus på HR’s rolle, værdiskabelse og relevans for organisationers udvikling i det 21. århundrede.
Ahammad, Mohammad & Lee, Sang & Malul, Miki & Shoham, Amir. (2015). Behavioral Ambidexterity: The Impact of Incentive Schemes on Productivity, Motivation, and Performance of Employees in Commercial Banks. Human Resource Management. 54.
Athanasopoulou, Andromachi & Moss-Cowan, Amanda & Smets, Michael & Morris, Tim. (2018). Claiming the corner office: Female CEO careers and implications for leadership development. Human Resource Management. 617-640.
Björkman, Ingmar & Welch, Denice (2015) Framing the field of international human resource management research. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26:2, 136-150.
Bondarouk, Tanya & Parry, Emma & Furtmueller, Elfi. (2016). Electronic HRM: four decades of research on adoption and consequences. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 1-34.
Boon, Corine & Eckardt, Rory & Lepak, David & Boselie, Paul. (2017). Integrating strategic human capital and strategic human resource management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 1-3.
Butler, Christina L. & Minbaeva, Dana & Mäkelä, Kristiina & Maloney, Mary M. & Nardon, Luciara & Paunova, Minna & Zimmermann, Angelika (2018) Towards a strategic understanding of global teams and their HR implications: an expert dialogue. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29:14, 2209-2229.
Chiang, Flora & K. Lemański, Michał & Birtch, Thomas. (2016). The transfer and diffusion of HRM practices within MNCs: lessons learned and future research directions. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 1-25.
Cohen, Debra. (2015). HR past, present and future: A call for consistent practices and a focus on competencies. Human Resource Management Review. 25.
Crowley-Henry, Marian & Ariss, Akram Al (2018) Talent management of skilled migrants: propositions and an agenda for future research, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29:13, 2054-2079.
Farndale, Elaine & Sanders, Karin (2017) Conceptualizing HRM system strength through a cross-cultural lens, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28:1, 132-148.
Froehlich, Dominik E. & Beausaert, Simon A.J. & Segers, Mien S.R. (2015) Age, employability and the role of learning activities and their motivational antecedents: a conceptual model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26:16, 2087-2101.
Guillén, Laura & Mayo, Margarita & Karelaia, Natalia. (2017). Appearing self-confident and getting credit for it: Why it may be easier for men than women to gain influence at work. Human Resource Management. 57.
Jiang, Kaifeng & Messersmith, Jake (2018) On the shoulders of giants: a meta-review of strategic human resource management, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29:1, 6-33.
Junni, P. & Sarala, R. M. & Tarba, S. Y. & Liu, Y. & Cooper, C. L. (2015), Guest Editors’ Introduction: The Role of Human Resources and Organizational Factors in Ambidexterity. Human Resource Management, 54: 1-28.
Konrad, Alison & Yang, Yang & Maurer, Cara. (2015). Antecedents and Outcomes of Diversity and Equality Management Systems: An Integrated Institutional Agency and Strategic Human Resource Management Approach. Human Resource Management. 55.
Kowalski, Tina Helen Parkin & Loretto, Wendy. (2017). Wellbeing and HRM in the Changing Workplace. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 1-27.
Kryscynski, David & Reeves, Cody & Stice‐Lusvardi, Ryan & Ulrich, Michael & Russell, Grant. (2017). Analytical abilities and the performance of HR professionals. Human Resource Management. 57.
Kvale, S. og Brinkmann, S. (2015): Interview, Det kvalitative forskningsinterview som håndværk. Hans Reitzels Forlag.
Markoulli, Maria & Lee, Colin & Byington, Eliza & Felps, Will. (2017). Mapping Human Resource Management: Reviewing the field and charting future directions. Human Resource Management Review. 27. 367–396.
Marler, Janet & W. Boudreau, John. (2016). An evidence-based review of HR Analytics. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 1-24.
Marler, Janet H. & Parry, Emma (2016) Human resource management, strategic involvement and e-HRM technology. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27:19, 2233-2253.
Meyer, Klaus E. & Xin, Katherine R. (2018) Managing talent in emerging economy multinationals: integrating strategic management and human resource management, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29:11, 1827-1855.
Neves, Pedro & Almeida, Patrícia & Velez, Maria. (2017). Reducing Intentions to Resist Future Change: Combined Effects of Commitment-Based HR Practices and Ethical Leadership. Human Resource Management. 57.
Putnik, Katarina & Houkes Inge & Jansen, Nicole & Nijhuis, Frans & Kant, L Jmert (2018): Work-home inter-face in a cross-cultural context: a framework for future research and practice, The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Rowley, Jennifer & Slack, Frances. (2004). "Conducting a literature review", Management Research News, Vol. 27 Iss 6. 31-39.
Schiemann, William A. & H. Seibert, Jerry & H. Blankenship, Mark. (2017). Putting human capital analytics to work: Predicting and driving business success: Putting human capital analytics to work. Human Resource Management. 57.
Salas, Eduardo & Shuffler, Marissa & Thayer, Amanda & Bedwell, Wendy & Lazzara, Elizabeth. (2015). Understanding and Improving Teamwork in Organizations: A Scientifically Based Practical Guide. Human Resource Management.
Stone, Dianna & Deadrick, Diana & Lukaszewski, Kimberly & Johnson, Richard. (2015). The influence of technology on the future of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management Review.
Stone, Dianna & Deadrick, Diana. (2015). Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management Review.
Sung, Sun & Choi, Jin. (2018). Building knowledge stock and facilitating knowledge flow through human resource management practices toward firm innovation. Human Resource Management.
Torraco, Richard J. (2005): Writing Integrative Literature Reviews: Guidelines and Examples. Human Resource Development Review. 4: 356.
Ulrich, Dave & Dulebohn, James. (2015). Are we there yet? What's next for HR?. Human Resource Management Review. 25.
Wilkinson, Adrian & Wood, Geoff. (2017). Global trends and crises, comparative capitalism and HRM. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 1-16.
Zikic, Jelena (2015) Skilled migrants' career capital as a source of competitive advantage: implications for strategic HRM, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26:10, 1360-1381.
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