Lifestyle and energy use: as analysed with concepts from Bourdieu
This article focuses on the concept of lifestyle. This is a concept that is widely used in environment studies, but is often used as an empirical rather than theoretical con-cept. The article raises the question as to whether a sociological concept of lifestyle can provide newer insights about the relationship between lifestyle and energy use. The article develops a sociological concept of lifestyle based on the ideas of Pierre Bourdieu. In this framework lifestyle is closely related to the concepts of habitus, field and social space. The article shows how this framework is fruitful as it provides insights into the social processed and dynamics behind energy use. Energy use is here under-stood as salient, related to symbolic competition between different classes and fractions of classes and fundamental power relations. Furthermore the analyses focuses on the reproduction of habits and social struc-tures rather than rapidly changing social patterns, a perspective that often dominates lifestyle analyses.