Governing and Calculating Everyday Dress


  • Ingrid Jeacle University of Edinburgh



Drawing on Foucault’s governmentality thesis, together with the insightful lens offered by Miller and Rose’s seminal work “Governing Economic Life,” this paper suggests that the ‘quick response’ initiatives deployed by contemporary fashion chains to address the problem of ‘fast fashion,’ are illustrative examples of technologies for governing economic life. The meticulous recording and the minute surveillance regimes of the apparatus of quick response, renders the phenomenon of fast fashion knowable and administrable. Calculative technologies operate according to a normalising process that separates the fashionable from the unfashionable. Calculative practices also perpetuate the phenomenon of fast fashion by facilitating the faster flow of both product and information. In so doing, they both construct and sustain mass fashion.


Ingrid Jeacle, University of Edinburgh

Ingrid Jeacle is a Reader in Accounting at the University of Edinburgh. Ingrid Jeacle's research seeks to broaden the scope of accounting scholarship by recognizing the richness in exploring the inter-linkages between accounting and popular culture. Her focus on arenas such as fashion, shopping, travel, cinema and architecture attempts not only to further an understanding of accounting, but also the ways and means in which calculative practices and notions of accountability permeate our everyday lives. She has recently guest edited a special issue on the theme of Accounting and Popular Culture for Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal.





Jeacle, I. (2012). Governing and Calculating Everyday Dress. Foucault Studies, (13), 82–98.



Special Issue on Foucault and Accounting