Discipline and Power in the Digital Age. Critical Reflections from Foucault’s Thought


  • Silvia Capodivacca
  • Gabriele Giacomini




Foucault, disciplinary power, digital surveillance, behavioral microtargeting, digital society


In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital age, the theories posited by Michel Foucault four decades ago provide an insightful lens through which to view our contemporary technological society. This article underscores the shift from modern reference disciplines, such as biology, political economy, and linguistics, to the emergent domains of cognitive and computer sciences. By exploring the personalization of online user experiences via data collection and behavioral microtargeting, the study highlights the nuances of modern surveillance. This new era of monitoring bears a resemblance to Foucault’s concept of disciplinary power, marked by its subtle yet omnipresent control. In a world where digital oversight by governments and corporations is increasingly prominent, the relevance of Foucault’s ideas becomes significant for deciphering and traversing the intricate landscapes of power and surveillance in the digital age.


Silvia Capodivacca

Silvia Capodivacca holds degrees in both Philosophy and History and earned her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Padua. A former Visiting Researcher at Columbia University in New York, she is now Research Fellow at the University of Udine (Italy). She is the author of four monographs, including Sul tragico. Tra Nietzsche e Freud and What We Should Learn from Artists, and has contributed numerous essays to national and international journals. Additionally, she collaborated on the philosophy textbook Il coraggio di pensare and works with the Loescher publishing house as an educational trainer. Capodivacca’s current research intersects aesthetics and the history of philosophy, particularly within the German and French traditions, with a pronounced interest in the philosophy of the digital era.

Gabriele Giacomini

Gabriele Giacomini graduated in Philosophy in Udine and at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan and holds a PhD in Neuroscience from San Raffaele in Milan and the IUSS in Pavia. He then specialized in sociology and future studies at the University of Trento and was a researcher for the Center for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe in Rijeka (Croatia). Today he is Assistant Professor at the University of Udine and collaborates with the Bassetti Foundation in Milan and the Italian Institute for the Future in Naples. He has written articles published in Italian and international journals, and his latest monographs are Il governo delle piattaforme. I media digitali visti dagli italiani (with Alex Buriani) and The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in the Digital Communication Age. His research interests lie at the intersection of political philosophy and social and communication sciences, particularly regarding digital media.


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Special Issue: Foucault’s Legacy on Contemporary Thinking