Foucault and Somaesthetics: Variations on the Art of Living
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Foucault, Somaesthetics, pleasure, ars erotica, women, aesthetics, truth, heroism, beauty, art of living, CynicismRésumé
This essay examines Foucault’s legacy in terms of its contribution to the field of somaesthetics. It demonstrates how Foucault’s work on embodiment, care of the self, pleasure, sexuality, and aesthetics of existence were inspirational to the founding of somaesthetics and can serve as exemplars of somaesthetic philosophy. However, the essay also explores the ways that current somaesthetic research departs from Foucault’s theories by critiquing their limitations with respect to several important issues. These issues include the varieties of pleasure, the multicultural scope and diversity of ars erotica, the range of aesthetics and art, and the demand for truth and heroism in the art of living a beautiful life.
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