Den psykologiske kontrakt - nøglen til succesfuld employer branding?


  • Mona Toft Madsen Handelshøjskolen/Århus Universitet
  • Jakob Lauring Handelshøjskolen/Århus Universitet


The focus of this article is the concept of employer branding, a recent management tool applied by enterprises to build up an employer brand. Previously, mainly external employer branding received attention; now, however, it is becoming more and more usual for enterprises to communicate internally who they are and what they want to be. Both cases discussed here involve two firms that recruited a group of employees from another organisation. This had a profound effect on the employees already working there and gave rise to renegotiating the original organisational employer brand. The two cases illustrate in particular how the psychological contract is brought into play, and it is discussed what is actually expected and rewarded here. A follow-up to the case studies provides input to what enterprises should consider if they want to use employer branding as a management tool.



