Positionering eller effektivisering via lean i den kommunale sektor?


  • Jan Steentoft Arlbjørn University of Southern Denmark
  • Per Vagn Freytag University of Southern Denmark


Over the years, a long line of management philosophies have been developed with the purpose of increasing the productivity of both physical and administrative processes. Some of these management philosophies have originated in an industrial context, and attempts have been made to transfer them into a public sector context, as in the case of the ‘lean’ concept, currently in vogue and immensely popular with many Danish local authorities. ‘Lean’ is a modern phrase for Toyota’s production system, previously designated Just-In- Time, which uses elements from Total Quality Management. A questionnaire survey was undertaken among Denmark’s 98 local authorities to identify how they interpret ‘lean’ and how they work with it. Does it make sense to transfer ‘lean’ from a production to a local authority context, and what are the consequences? The conclusion is that what local authorities perceive as ‘lean’ is more in the nature of focus on waste through the application of tools such as analysis of work processes and continuing improvements. ‘Lean’ seems to function as a measure of positioning rather than improved efficiency.



