Christian Borch: Crime and criminals – fragments of a genealogy
Government rationalities as regards crime and criminals have changed during the past 30 years. This change is related to a transformation from a welfare state rationality to an advanced liberal mode of government. In order to understand the impact of this development, the article outlines a genealogy of thinking about crime and the practices of crime control. This historical analysis shows how thinking about crime has been centered around the distinction between the criminal act and the criminal individual, and identifies four significant breaks. The first is the identification of the criminal act by Beccaria in the 18th century. The second is the invention of the criminal individual by Lombroso in the late 19th century. Third is the modification of the Lombrosian project due to the development of welfare state institutions in the first 70 years of the 20th century, in which rehabilitation of the criminal offender is the center of attention. The fourth stage is the parallel development of advanced liberal practices of crime control and theories of crime prevention on the one hand and the reappearance of a Lombrosian-like risk perspective towards certain criminals on the other.