Trading Cluster Nordjylland? En analyse af handelsbaserede mikroklynger


  • Lars G. Dietrichson University of Aalborg
  • Per Nikolaj Bukh University of Aalborg
  • Bent Dalum University of Aalborg


There has been wide interest from both academia and business to study how clusters of enterprises within the same or related sectors can use synergies in their mutual interaction, focusing on the identification of enterprise clusters within specific business sectors. This article demonstrates how clusters of commercially based rather than sector-specific competencies can be identified in the business community in Northern Jutland, and how individual, smaller and limited clusters can be identified through interviews with central actors in commercially related businesses. In addition to interviews, the article contains statistical analysis of employment data with a view to determining the specialisation coefficient for trading companies. The clusters identified are micro clusters, and it is demonstrated how they have developed through experience and subsequent spin-offs. The conclusion is that those cluster enterprises still share a mutual knowledge base and a mutual labour market. The micro clusters identified were in the meat and meat processing sectors, the fish and fish processing sectors, and second-hand IT equipment.



