Brugerinddragelse og organisatorisk udvikling i sundhedsvæsnet: Mellem praksis og viden
Charlotte Jonasson
Århus Kommune
A serious challenge in the public sector is the inclusion of the individual citizen to develop sector services, products and organisation. If the challenge is accepted, however, it promises potential to be applied constructively in the development of public organisations. Based on a case from the health sector, the opportunities and barriers experienced by health care staff are analysed in connection with the implementation of a contact person scheme that can be seen as quality-optimising measures within the health care sector. It is argued that the relation between contact person (health care staff) and user (patients) offers a unique opportunity for user-driven innovation potential. The application of this potential depends, however, on the creation of a connection between knowledge and practice so that ideas and knowledge can be applied not only locally but also on an overall managerial basis to develop the organisation of the health care sector itself. It is proposed that the connection between knowledge and practice is created by integrating user inclusion and the actual organisation of patient treatment.