The Significance of Location: Practicing American History in Sweden


  • Dag Blanck Uppsala University



teaching, American history, curricula, textbooks, Sweden


This article deals with the teaching of American history in Sweden. It focuses on developments at Uppsala University where a course in American history has been taught since 1996, as a part of our American studies sequence. Placing it within the larger context of doing American studies in Sweden, it traces the development of the course discusses important topics taught and the challenges of finding suitable reading materials for students enrolled in the course.

Author Biography

Dag Blanck, Uppsala University

Dag Blanck is Professor of North American Studies at Uppsala University. He also serves as Director of the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. He has published a dozen books and some 50 articles on American immigration history and Swedish-American relations.


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How to Cite

Blanck, D. (2024). The Significance of Location: Practicing American History in Sweden. American Studies in Scandinavia, 56(2).